Scars are caused by the process of repairing and treating wounds that may be caused by accidents, fires, scalds, surgical wounds, ear piercing wounds, mosquito bites, or certain diseases such as acne and chickenpox. The body will create collagen tissue to replace the damaged tissue, which is a natural wound healing process. And when the wound is healed, it often leaves a scar that looks different on the face, making

the skin look unattractive and causing a loss of confidence. Especially in some cases that have undergone surgery or have large wounds, it can easily cause raised scars.
Keloid scars are divided into 2 types:
1. Hypertrophic Scar:
A keloid scar is a scar that is raised after a new wound occurs. It is raised, red, and slightly itchy, but does not extend beyond the edges of the old wound. The scar can naturally shrink on its own, or regular gentle massage can help the scar shrink faster.
2. Keloid:
A keloid scar is a scar that is clearly raised from normal skin and extends beyond the original scar to a large size. It is caused by abnormalities in the division of collagen in the ทางเข้า ufabet skin layer, which can occur due to genetics. It is often found in wounds on the shoulders, upper arms, middle of the chest, ears, and upper back, etc.
How to treat keloid scars
There are many ways to treat keloid scars, but some methods may or may not be suitable for some people. It depends on the type and size of the scar. You should get additional advice from a doctor, which may start with applying creams, applying scar medication such as steroids, medications containing vitamin E or vitamin A, using silicone gel sheets to cover the scar, injecting steroid medication to reduce inflammation and reduce collagen in the skin layer to help the scar shrink, radiation therapy, laser treatment, and surgery to reduce or cut off large raised scars.
Some methods of treating keloid scars can be very expensive, but if the keloid scar is not very large, you can let the scar gradually fade naturally. The scar may shrink and fade on its own to a certain extent after about 6 months to 1 year, or you can treat it using natural ingredients that can help stimulate the shedding of old skin cells and create new skin cells in the scar area. Today, It has brought 8 ways to remove keloid scars naturally for all women as follows:
1. Aloe vera is
another great local herb that is very effective in helping to remove scars, especially new scars. Aloe vera helps to heal the wound. It helps moisturize the skin and reduces burning and itching. How to use: Just apply aloe vera gel to the scar area. Leave it to dry so that the medicine is absorbed into the skin. You can repeat it several times a day. You will feel that the raised scar is softer, smaller and faded.
2. Lemon juice
Lemon juice has the property of helping to soften raised scars because lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that help fade various scars. In addition, lemon juice also helps restore and heal wounds. How to use: Just squeeze some lemon juice and apply it to the scar area. Leave it for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Dry it and apply a moisturizer to increase moisture. Do it regularly at least twice a day for 1 month. It will help the raised scar gradually improve.
3. Apple Cider
Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has properties that help reduce the appearance of raised scars. It helps remove old skin cells and reveals new, softer, better skin. Simply soak a cotton pad in vinegar or mix it with a little water. Apply it to the scar area and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse it off. Repeat 3-4 times a day for about 2 weeks. You will feel that the raised scars are softer and gradually smaller.
Garlic has properties that help prevent fungus, kill germs, help fight inflammation of wounds, and also helps reduce the size of keloid scars very well. Just crush garlic and apply it to the scar area. Leave it for about 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Wipe the skin dry and apply a moisturizer. Do it regularly at least once a day for 1 month. It will help make keloid scars look smaller and fade.
5. Onion
Onion is the most popular extract used to reduce scars. This is because onions contain antioxidants that have the ability to create tissue. They also help fight inflammation of wounds and help reduce scars. Simply slice the onion, put it in a thin cloth, and grind it until you get onion oil. Then use a cotton swab soaked in onion juice to apply to the scar. Leave it until dry and then rinse with warm water. You can repeat this 3-4 times a day continuously for 1 month or until the raised scar gradually improves.
6.Honey Pure
Honey is a natural moisturizer that helps moisturize the skin. It also helps reduce scars, stimulates blood circulation, and prevents the production of excessive collagen. Simply apply raw honey to the scar and massage in circular motion for about 10 minutes. Then leave it for about 1 hour and rinse with warm water. Repeat this twice a day for several weeks to help reduce and fade scars.
7. Sandalwood powder
Sandalwood powder has the property of helping to heal scars to return to their original condition. Mix 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder with some water and mix until it is thick and smooth. Then apply it to the scar and leave it overnight. Then wash it off with warm water. Repeat every day for 1-2 months. You will feel that the raised scars are gradually smaller and faded.
8. Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola has the property of helping to heal wounds, accelerate tissue production, and make wounds heal faster. It also helps to naturally reduce scars. Just use a handful of fresh Gotu Kola leaves, wash it clean, then pound it finely. Squeeze out the juice and apply it to the scar area. In addition to helping the wound heal completely, it also helps to gradually fade the raised scars.